Knock Your Book Out!
Writing Workshop with Jane Gerhard
For: Therapists, counselors, social workers, and healers of all stripes (All levels of writers)
What: A Four Week on-line Writing course to kick start and guide your book + a One on One Session with Jane Gerhard
A published book with your unique voice and perspective will extend your reach and bring opportunities for career growth
Instructor: Jane Gerhard, PHD, Author
Host: Krista Soukup, Blue Cottage Agency
When: Thursdays 12-2 p.m CST, (1-2 p.m. EST, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. PST) October 21, October 28, November 4, November 11. Sessions Via Zoom. Recorded sessions available for scheduling conflicts.
Cost: $300
Do you have a book knocking around your head that you haven’t yet written (or have tried and stopped for a million reasons)
Therapists, counselors, social workers and healers of all stripes work with people in distinctive ways, and many have the instinct to share that contribution with more people. Having written a book can help build your practice and bring more opportunities to share your unique insights through supervision, groups and conferences. Yet writing isn’t straightforward and it is certainly not easy. We may have the start of an idea but not a clear sense of how to get started or how to sustain the momentum required to finish. A knowledgeable guide and good companions on the path can make all the difference. Join me us for a four-week on-line class that will help move your book idea into a manuscript.
Informed by the inner roadmap of IFS (the Internal Family System model of Richard Schwartz, this class will address both what we want to say and what gets in the way. Every meeting we will divide our time between the psychological and the practical. We will spend part of our time getting to know what gets in the way of flow-state writing as well as strengthen our inner editorial team and their working relationships. This involves a mix of mediation, writing prompts, imagination and group conversation. We will also devote time each session to the practical art and magic of writing and being a writer. This involves addressing issues such as how writing a book is like and not-like doing therapy, mission/thesis statements, how/where/when to include your personal story, and outlining for clarity. We will have short homework and in-class writing assignments to get you started or to refine what you already have. Discussion will address the age-old writer’s dilemma: finding the time to write, writing smart with the time you have, and setting attainable goals. I’ll share with you the increment of time that saved my life and enabled me to write four books
With your registration, each participant will receive an individual one on one session, scheduled to suit your needs. In this meeting we will review your progress and brainstorm next steps.

Jane Gerhard is a PhD historian and the author of four non-fiction books, one memoir and two novels. She has completed “IFS for Coaches” training at the IFS Institute and has years of experience with the model. She has twenty years of college teaching, and now works at Writing Therapy she helps writers find their voice and tame their editorial demons.