Author Talk with Historical Fiction Authors Jane Coletti Perry and Deborah Swenson

Author Talk with Historical Fiction Authors Jane Coletti Perry and Deborah Swenson. Tuesday, January 18 at 7:00 CST/ 5:00 p.m. PST /   Historical Fiction Fans! Join us for an Author Talk with Jane Coletti Perry, author of “Marcello’s Promise” and Deborah Swenson, author of “Till My Last Breath”, a unique format with the authors […]

Work of Art+: Publishing Panel

Book Publishing Panel LIVE on Wednesday, November  11, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.  Join us for a panel discussion with leading experts in book publishing. This FREE PANEL is brought to you by Springboard for the Arts Work of Art+: Publishing Panel Date: November 11, 2020 6:30 pm Location: Online Price: Free Category: Work of Art+ […]

Forensic Psychologist Frank Weber Launches “The I-94 Murders”

Book Launch Event at the Crossing Arts Alliance Tuesday, October 16 As a 21+ year veteran of the forensic psychology profession, Frank Weber has spent a large portion of his life in service to those in need. As the Clinic Director at CORE Professional Services, P.A, Weber has testified as an expert witness in numerous […]

Writer’s Path to Publishing FREE Workshop [UPDATED]

Springboard for the Arts

Ready to get your writing out in the world, but not sure where to start? Stumped on how to know if your writing is ready for publishing, or how to connect with an agent? Get tips directly from regional authors and publishers on writing and publishing, and network with other writers and brush up on […]

Candace Simar releases “Dear Homefolks”

Dear Homefolks by Candace Simar. Candace Simar, celebrates the release of her seventh book, “Dear Homefolks” with a reading and book talk at the Brainerd Public Library on Monday, August 28, from noon to 2 p.m.

Finish Your Book in Three Drafts presented by Stuart Horwitz

You may have asked yourself while writing: how many drafts is this going to take? Stuart Horwitz, is a nationally-known expert on structure and revision, thinks the answer is three–provided you know what draft you’re in and what action steps to take between drafts. Stuart will teach his secrets on revision, followed by a Q&A session.  […]

Profitable Authors Institute 2017 Class Series

Blue Cottage Agency is proud to announce a class series brought to you by 12 of the BEST and credible instructors in the industry. Are you to make an impact and an income? Introducing the PROFITABLE AUTHORS INSTITUTE, 12 amazing Courses in 3 Curriculum Tracks. A dynamic collaboration of writing, publishing and promotion experts who provide affordable, cutting-edge instruction […]

Verse Like Water presents Pulitzer Prize Winning Poet Vijay Seshadri

Central Lakes College’s Verse Like Water series will kick off its fifth year with Pulitzer Prize winning poet Vijay Seshadri. The event starts with a reading at noon on Sept. 30 in the Chalberg Theatre, Brainerd campus. After, he will sign books and host an informal craft talk on creativity and the imagination at 1:30 […]

Crossing Arts Alliance Call for Literary and Visual Art

The Crossing Arts Alliance is requesting literary and visual art submissions for a juried ‘Dimensions of Motherhood’ exhibit and event. Artists residing in the following counties of Crow Wing, Cass, Todd, Wadena and Morrison counties in Minnesota  are eligible to submit up to two pieces of original art. Both Visual and literary work is eligible […]

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