Angela F. Foster

Angela F. Foster 

Angela F. Foster teaches memoir at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis , MN, and throughout Minnesota. Farm Girls, co-written with Candace Simar, was published by RiverPlace Press of Brainerd (2013). Angela served as co-editor of County Lines: 87 Minnesota Counties, 130 Minnesota Poets published by Loon Feather Press (2008) and holds a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Nonfiction from Pine Manor College in Boston, M.A. Angela teaches writing workshops for The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis and throughout the state. She provides manuscript critique and editing services on a per hour basis, offering everything from line-edits (spelling, grammar and punctuation) to manuscript evaluations. She will guide you through the process, telling you what is working and what needs improvement. For more information on class offerings and services visit

Farm Girls RiverPlace Press, 2013
Farm Girls RiverPlace Press, 2013
ISBN 978-0-9831785-7-6

If you learned to swear in Norwegian or shared a two-holer outhouse with your cousin, you’ll enjoy the poetry and prose of these sisters.  From memories of Norwegian ancestors and growing up on a Minnesota dairy farm to dreams of Oprah’s couch and rapping with Eminem, Farm Girls will take you back to the days of rural schools, moon light, star light, hope to see a ghost tonight and the auction of the family farm.

Angela is available for writing classes, workshops, manuscript critique and editing services.

Angela reading from her recently published book, Farm Girls.

Creative Writing Boot Camp

Krista Rolfzen Soukup
Publicist and Owner

Blue Cottage Agency was founded by Krista Rolfzen Soukup in 2009. Krista is a literary publicist and Owner of Blue Cottage Agency.

Some Nice Words

“When I needed a publicist to help promote my book, The Lily of the West, I found there were quite a few available, but upon discovering the highly recommended  Krista Rolfzen Soukup and Blue Cottage Agency, there was no need to look further. Krista is reliable, creative, ethical and well connected. She personifies that elusive quality of being a straight-shooter who is kind and non-judgmental. She’s been a tremendous help to me and I can’t recommend her highly enough. Simply the best.”

Author The Lily of the West, Five Star Publishing March 2019

Krista Rolfzen Soukup
Publicist and Owner

Blue Cottage Agency was founded by Krista Rolfzen Soukup in 2009. Krista is a literary publicist and Owner of Blue Cottage Agency.

Some Nice Words

“When I needed a publicist to help promote my book, The Lily of the West, I found there were quite a few available, but upon discovering the highly recommended  Krista Rolfzen Soukup and Blue Cottage Agency, there was no need to look further. Krista is reliable, creative, ethical and well connected. She personifies that elusive quality of being a straight-shooter who is kind and non-judgmental. She’s been a tremendous help to me and I can’t recommend her highly enough. Simply the best.”

Author The Lily of the West, Five Star Publishing March 2019

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